New Haven
At City Gallery, “Blue Does Not Mean Sky”
| Jan 11, 2024 10:14 amPost a Comment | E-mail the Author
Posted to: Visual Art
Judy Atlas
Blue Flux.
Judy Atlas’s Blue Flux can evoke dozens of things if you let it: a cityscape in the rain, a snow field, the inside of an ice crystal, with just a little sun streaming through. But that’s not the game the painting asks you to play. It can also just be taken on its own terms, as color and texture, a composition that is satisfying because its elements are well balanced, without having to mean anything in particular. Or maybe put another way, it can evoke a few meanings at once, without ever needing to land on a single one; it’s the impression it leaves on the viewer that matters.
Atlas’s abstractions fit snugly into the unifying theme of“Blue Does Not Mean Sky,” the group show at City Gallery running now through Jan. 28.