Madeline Connors
Aug 27, 2024 12:24 pm
LACHESSCLUB Apt 503 Lounge Los Angeles Aug. 22, 2024
My mother thinks I’m a chess prodigy. I don’t have the heart to correct her. Like most dutiful Eastern European daughters, I had a chess tutor before I turned 10. For almost two decades, I believed I was a brilliant player because I had never lost a game against my parents. Thankfully, I have been and continue to be dispelled of this notion — most recently at the illustrious LA Chess Club last Thursday night.
Jamil Ragland
Aug 27, 2024 11:17 am
Rapid Fire 4 Speed Double Dutch Competition and Health Fair Dunkin’ Donuts Park Hartford Aug. 25, 2024
What do you get when you combine one of the most entertaining sports in the world with a good cause?
You get the Rapid Fire 4 Speed Double Dutch Competition and Health Fair, an event that occurred at Dunkin’ Donuts Stadium in Hartford. Over 100 jumpers (as people who participate in double dutch are known) came from as far away as Philadelphia to show their stuff and compete in a variety of formats and age groups.
We all like hanging out with one another at sporting events. When the sport is the exquisitely beautiful game of baseball, our camaraderie is infused with a particularly amiable kind of togetherness. Strangers high-five, hot dog mustard stains T shirts and jerseys, popcorn gets stuck in teeth, and foul balls are scrambled for. We root for what’s shared, all of us one family in baseball’s graceful, welcoming embrace. When the team we’re rooting for is homegrown, it’s even better.
I love baseball; there are multitudes more to the game than the game itself. And so it was with a good deal of anticipation that my partner and I attended our first Oakland Ballers game.